Edinger’s Alchemist

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"The separating of opposite psychic element, originally, is necessary for learning and development. Human beings must learn the ways of human culture and must figure out what to do with our "wild side," our animal instincts, the body we live in with its needs and desires. In cases where the early environment brings trauma, emotional survival may unfortunately dictate extreme psychic splits. In that situation, all spontaneity and wildness may be deemed dangerous so that the personality is basically ruled by survival strategies and lives in a world of black and white, good and bad, survival or annihilation. The call to a transformative process frequently stems from too much separation of Inner Opposites. Out of that tension arises an urgent need and desire to connect with vitality and meaning at whatever cost." - Winnie Piccolo

Books mentioned:

From Drinking The Greene Lyons Blood by Winnie Piccolo

artwork courtesy of @ssstroika

Sam KaczurWinnie Piccolo