Collective Trauma Stack

Here is a stack on collective trauma, cultural trauma, transgenerational trauma and the trauma of the world soul. It is a follow up to the stack on individual trauma.

Please swipe for an excerpt from “Toward Psychologies of Liberation.”

Every single book here applies to everyone. Many of them are depth oriented or by depth psychologists.

At this crossroads in history, we must allow the cracks to open us to the outside; to the truth about our collective traumas, the pain in the body that speaks to us in dreams, and the soul whose symptoms bear the face of the world’s suffering, and allow it to guide us home to the truth of our wounded collective soul. What we don’t face, meets us out in the world as fate. Soul necessitates our process with such woundedness, continuously upheaving our psychic numbness to face atrocities forgotten in the body and in the collective culture. We do this not to heal and be resilient, but to re-member and keep conscious, refusing to let the truth fall back asleep into the unconscious.

Books mentioned:

Intergenerational Complexes in Analytical Psychology by Samuel L. Kimbles

Toward Psychologies of Liberation by Mary Watkins and Helene Shulman

Native American Postcolonial Psychology by Eduardo Duran

On Violence and On Violence Against Women by Jacqueline Rose

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness by Amos N. Wilson

Cultural Complexes and the Soul of America edited by Thomas Singer

Beyond Individual and Collective Trauma by Clara Mucci

Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity by Jeffrey C. Alexander, Ron Eyerman, Bernard Giesen, Neil J. Smelser and Piotr Sztompka

Archetypal Grief by Fanny Brewster

Decolonizing Trauma Work by Renee Linklater

Thriving in the Wake of Trauma by Thema Bryant-Davis

Healing the Soul Wound by Eduardo Duran

Trans-generational Trauma and the Other edited by Sue Grand and Jill Salberg

Transforming Terror edited by Karin Lofthus Carrington and Susan Griffin

Dark Continents by Ranjana Khanna

Healing Collective Trauma by Thomas Hubl