Dreams Stack


Here is a stack on dreams and psychoanalysis.

Let’s look at how dreams are actually “interpreted.” CG Jung knew that not even he could interpret his own dreams, because unconscious content is just that, unconscious. Likewise, the internet, a friend’s intuition, or pop symbol books which are not informed by analysis/research of the collective unconscious are not suitable sources!

From James Hillman’s The Dream and the Underworld, on “The Dream-Ego”: “When the subtle dreamwork of the night has been captured by the gross and undifferentiated concepts of the dayworld and made to serve its monocular “basic view,” dreams become distorted and condensed, as theory states.So, if our therapeutic job is to walk the ego back over the bridge of the dream, to teach the dreamer how to dream, we cannot use these terms for its work.We must reverse our usual procedure of translating the into ego-language and instead translate the ego into dream-language.This means doing a dream-work on the ego, making a metaphor of it, seeing through its “reality.”Let us then suspend an entire series of ego-operations, the ego-work, the modes by means of which the ego has been approaching the dream and performing its translations.These are: causalism, naturalism, moralism, personalism, temporalism, voluntarism (as in thinking the dream tells us what to do), humanism, positivism, and literalism.As the ego sees a set of pejorative factors at work in the dream (regression, distortion, displacement), so the underworld perspective sees a set of pejorative attitudes (humanism, personalism, literalism) at work in the ego.It is these attitudes which must first be suspended before we can approach the dream and its truth.” JH

Excerpt from James Hillman’s Dream and the Underworld

Books mentioned:

Carl Jung (Collected Works Vol. 18) - The Symbolic Life, Mary Ann Mattoon - Applied Dream Analysis: A Jungian Approach, Nathan Schwartz Salant - Dreams in Analysis, Marie-Louise Von Franz - Dreams, Arnold Mindell - Dreambody, Mary Watkins - Waking Dreams, James A. Hall - Jungian Dream Interpretation, Carl Jung - Dreams, James Hillman - The Dream and the Underworld, Medard Boss - The Analysis of Dreams, Thomas Ogden - Reverie and Interpretation, Erik Goodwyn - Understanding Dreams and Other Spontaneous Images, Kelley Bulckeley - Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming, Steven Rosen - Dreams, Death, Rebirth: A Topological Odyssey Into Alchemy's Hidden Dimensions, Horst Kachele, Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Peter Fonagy, David Taylor - The Significance of Dreams: Bridging Clinical and Extraclinical Research in Psychoanalysis, Sherry Salman - Dreams of Totality, Marian Dunlea - BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma, C.A. Meier - Healing Dream and Ritual.
