The Unconscious

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On The Unconscious …

“The autonomy of the unconscious therefore begins where emotions are generated. Emotions are instinctive, involuntary reactions which upset the rational order of consciousness by their elemental outbursts.Affects are not “made” or willfully produced; they simply happen.In a state of affect a trait of character sometimes appears which is strange even to the person concerned, or hidden contents may irrupt involuntarily.The more violent an affect the closer it comes to the pathological, to a condition in which the ego-consciousness is thrust aside by autonomous contents that were #unconscious before.So long as the unconscious is in a dormant condition, it seems as if there were absolutely nothing in this hidden region.Hence we are continually surprised when something unknown appears “from nowhere.” - Carl Gustav Jung, (“Conscious, Unconscious, and Individuation”, CW9i, p497)

“Touching the personal unconscious already changes you and touching the Collective Unconscious changes you that much more; you are a different being, and no longer like the people who have not touched it.” - Carl Gustav Jung, (“Zarathustra Seminar”, p483).

“We know that the mask of the unconscious is not rigid—it reflects the face we turn towards it. Hostility (fear/resistance) lends it a threatening aspect, friendliness softens its features.” - Carl Gustav Jung.

Sam KaczurCarl Jung