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The more repressed or split-off an aspect of the instinctual Dionysian nature becomes, the more violent and explosive are the results of its release…
Sharon Blackie leads women on a quest to find their necessary and unique place in the world…
Much Has Been Written by analytical psychologists from Jung onwards about the nature of the archetypes…
Here is a stack on collective trauma, cultural trauma, transgenerational trauma and the trauma of the world soul. It is a follow up to the stack on individual trauma…
Ana Mozol is a depth psychologist in private practice in Vancouver. We get to chat about the significance of her journey and what it reveals in her book…
Here is a book stack on trauma and trauma healing from the depth psychology, jungian and psychoanalysis (left) perspectives and the somatic-clinical perspective (right)…
Meet Alexis Durgee
psychotherapist, M.S., LMHC, PHD(c)
Alexis is licensed psychotherapist in private practice online and in-person. She is currently a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology with an emphasis on depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her style is both psychoanalytic-psychodynamic and clinically grounded, while focused on the importance of becoming embodied through soul work and meaning-making. She approaches psyche with a sense of complexity by acknowledging that each symptom, every image, is part of a greater emerging wholeness that yearns to animate from within. By bringing this inner and outer dance to consciousness that the client can feel safe building a relationship with their own unconscious.
Alexis engages the language of mythopoetics and metaphor in sessions as both reveal a creative bridge to healing the imagination through relational driven flow and right-brain stimulation. This approach is critical to trauma informed therapy which radically embraces a bottom-up, body centered model that gives birth to consciousness.
Visit the LibrarY
Inner Work Library houses content pertaining to Jungian, Post-Jungian, and Archetypal psychologies, as well as Psychoanalysis, Alchemy, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.
Ana Mozol is a depth psychologist in private practice in Vancouver. We get to chat about the significance of her journey and what it reveals in her book…
Jungian Analyst Marian Dunlea and I discuss her latest book BodyDreaming. She shares a bit of her history with Marion Woodman’s work…
Becca Tarnas author of Journey into the Imaginal Realm: A Reader's Guide to J R R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and I discuss the curious overlaps between Tolkien's visionary process and that of Jung's in The Red Book…
Mark and I discuss his work and perspectives on Jungian analysis as they relate to interpretation within the analytic relationship…
We explore what moved him to write about the necessity of this reemergence in today’s world…
Ed points out how valuable it is to consider the imaginal aspects of our sexuality and sexual expression and that this can be a guiding element in the individuation process…
I had the opportunity to interview Ed on his latest book titled Jung and Sex: Re-Visioning the Treatment of Sexual Issues…