The mission of Inner Work Library, as a psychotherapy practice and Jungian resource center, is to embody the psychic nature of an alchemical alembic—holding the tension of opposites—for the emergence of a new consciousness, through which one comes to understand the inner workings of the personal unconscious.

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Meet Alexis Durgee

psychotherapist, M.S., LMHC, PHD(c)

Alexis is licensed psychotherapist in private practice online and in-person. She is currently a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology with an emphasis on depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her style is both psychoanalytic-psychodynamic and clinically grounded, while focused on the importance of becoming embodied through soul work and meaning-making. She approaches psyche with a sense of complexity by acknowledging that each symptom, every image, is part of a greater emerging wholeness that yearns to animate from within. By bringing this inner and outer dance to consciousness that the client can feel safe building a relationship with their own unconscious.

Alexis engages the language of mythopoetics and metaphor in sessions as both reveal a creative bridge to healing the imagination through relational driven flow and right-brain stimulation. This approach is critical to trauma informed therapy which radically embraces a bottom-up, body centered model that gives birth to consciousness.


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Inner Work Library houses content pertaining to Jungian, Post-Jungian, and Archetypal psychologies, as well as Psychoanalysis, Alchemy, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.




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