New + Notable Releases
Below you can find new and notable releases of books, talks, workshops or content.
The more repressed or split-off an aspect of the instinctual Dionysian nature becomes, the more violent and explosive are the results of its release…
Sharon Blackie leads women on a quest to find their necessary and unique place in the world…
Much Has Been Written by analytical psychologists from Jung onwards about the nature of the archetypes…
Here is a stack on collective trauma, cultural trauma, transgenerational trauma and the trauma of the world soul. It is a follow up to the stack on individual trauma…
Ana Mozol is a depth psychologist in private practice in Vancouver. We get to chat about the significance of her journey and what it reveals in her book…
Here is a book stack on trauma and trauma healing from the depth psychology, jungian and psychoanalysis (left) perspectives and the somatic-clinical perspective (right)…
The myth of Inanna’s descent sketches a pattern of woman’s passage into the underworld, away from cultural adaptations and into an encounter with her essential nature…
This book questions how the field of depth psychology changes when viewed through a feminine lens…
A.E., a Celtic mystic and poet, dwelt in the ordinary world, but from his youth he witnessed elemental life and alchemical operations, subliminal patterns and archetypal matrices of pure potentiality…
Here is a stack I’m working with today as I approach session and finalize research ideas. I miss the days I had in psychic paradisal seclusion where I had the attention span and tranquility to read deeply on my blissful island…
Dreams especially the big dreams, never depict life linearly. They dance around, then back on themselves in spirals…
Getting busy with the busy-ness in the stillest, playful way! Don’t fear the reaper. A stack on the philosophy of symbols and more mercurial finds up next…
Students of alchemy are often bewildered by the mass of contradictions in the recipes. We read that our sulphur is a fixed body and, in the next breath, a volatile spirit…
Jungian women stack for healing the Feminine. These have been tomes of healing on my path as a therapist, outstanding all books on theory…
It’s wise to get rooted in a historical understanding of our creature. Meaning-making and symbolic language are the very root of cultural humanity…
Inner Wisdom, the imaginative power of the Self, leaves behind its footprints, or the symbols that it creates…
’Created disorder’ is the shadow side of rational-scientific developments and its addiction to anxious ordering…
Pierre Hadot has elaborated another idea of Heraclitus, the idea that ‘Nature loves to hide’ and…
Ego’s idea of order is futile! Spontaneously emergent stack: Chaos, complexity and emergence theory and its influence on depth psychology
Jungian Analyst Marian Dunlea and I discuss her latest book BodyDreaming. She shares a bit of her history with Marion Woodman’s work…
In BodyDreaming we may become aware of the relativity of our ego in relation to a growing intimation of a larger consciousness or reality inclusive of the world both within and without…
Becca Tarnas author of Journey into the Imaginal Realm: A Reader's Guide to J R R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and I discuss the curious overlaps between Tolkien's visionary process and that of Jung's in The Red Book…
“Beginning in Dec. 1911, JRR Tolkien began making an unusual series of sketches that he came to call ‘Ishnesses.’ The word Ishness refers to the symbolic and imaginal quality of these drawings…”
Mundus Imaginalis: or the imaginary and the imaginal by Henry Corbin (out of print) has had an immense influence on Jungian psychoanalysis and depth psychology…
Mark and I discuss his work and perspectives on Jungian analysis as they relate to interpretation within the analytic relationship…